Reports & Studies
The Tech Tyfu Innovation Hub facilitates research to promote and develop agri-tech opportunities. Showcasing vertical farming technology on a commercial scale across Wales, Tech Tyfu participants can utilise industry and academic partners for business benefits.

The Kratky method was established and tested by B.A. Kratky, based at the University of Hawaii. Kratky growing is used extensively in the US, but less so in the UK. It is a passive method which doesn’t require pumps to circulate water and nutrients, relying on stagnant hydroponic solution and airspace. The aim of this report is to determine the ideal mix of nutrients that should be used for the Kratky growing method.

Edible flowers after often used as a garnish in salads, drinks, and desserts. As a niche crop, they generate high market values. Mould and black spot occurs under a number of factors, but specifically when exposed to moisture for an extended period of time. Such issues can have large supply chain impacts. Reducing seasonality by utilising an alternative growing method allows for supply chains to be consistent and undisrupted.

Due to the short growth cycle of microgreens, it is often noted that additional nutrients are not necessary. The seed holds enough nutrient for growth within the 10-14 day growth cycle. Microgreens can germinate without any fertiliser application, the use of fertiliser for growing microgreens depends on the medium used to grow them.
Could an organic nutrient, such as comfrey, shorten this growth cycle without inducing a negative impact on water/crop quality, and cause revenue increases through higher rate of production?

Growing herbs hydroponically provides many potential benefits. As the plants are gaining the nutrients directly through solution, they grow on average 25% faster than in traditional systems.
With greater nutrient and water availability comes greater yield. Controlling the nutrient plants have access to ensures you have greater control over taste, via temperature, humidity and light exposure.

A Menter Môn – Tech Tyfu hydroponics project, funded by the Welsh Government’s Rural Development Fund (RDF 2014- 2020), was implemented with the following partners – Menter Môn as the project lead and Grŵp Llandrillo Menai Glynllifon Agriculture College’s Independent Living Skills Department.